Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022
Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA)
The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) significantly expands FDA’s rulemaking and enforcement authority over cosmetics, and creates substantial new compliance obligations for manufacturers, packers, and distributors of cosmetics intended for sale in the United States.
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We expect you to provide the following with your payment:
● Full company name, complete physical address (street, city, state, postal code, country) of the Manufacturer, Exporter or Importer
● Telephone and email of the Manufacturer, Exporter or Importer
● Products FDA compliant labels.
◆ Establishment Registration.
◆ FDA Establishment Identifier (FEI) Number.
◆ Listing of one product.
◆ U.S. Agent Service.
Standard Service.
Expedited Service is available upon request.